We were privileged again this year, to honor Mentors that are being successful and giving back to society in real and meaningful ways. We also honored five special Humanitarians that have exhibited Selfless Service for decades: James Lyles, Stephen Sands, Steve Barndt, Frances Lavender, and Pat Stringer.

A highlight for SCS was the opportunity to honor former Pennsylvania Attorney General Ernie Preate with the “Lifetime Achievement Award” in the area of Criminal Justice.

We are thankful to our Keynote Speaker, Commissioner Jeff Haste. He has worked hard to hold the line on taxes for 14 straight years. He oversees budgetary and finance matters, the prison, county parks and recreation, the Conservation District, Cooperative Extension, the General Authority, information technology, purchasing, transportation, adult probation, and the Industrial Development Authority. Jeff leads the other Commissioners in making sure that Dauphin County remains a wonderful place to raise a family, work and play!